Clubs and districts offer scholarships for secondary, undergraduate, or graduate study. These scholarships can be supported with funds raised locally or with Rotary Foundation district or global grants.
Contact your local club for application information and eligibility requirements.
Rotary clubs can apply to The Rotary Foundation for district and global grants to support scholarships.
Global grants are for graduate students studying abroad in one of Rotary’s causes:
Scholarships last from one to four years and can include an entire degree program. Global grant scholarships are funded using District Designated Funds (DDF), cash, and directed gifts and endowment earnings.
The Foundation will provide an 80% World Fund match for all DDF contributions.
District grants can be used to sponsor secondary school, undergraduate, or graduate students studying any subject, either locally or abroad. The scholarship may cover any length of time, from a six-week language training program to a year or more of university study.
Rotary members are essential to recruiting qualified candidates for Rotary Peace Fellowships. You can advance peace in troubled areas around the world by promoting peace fellowships and supporting peace fellow candidates through the application process.
Hussain Al Jaziri
Ahmad Belselah
Yaseen Jaffer
Maggie Bhasin
Jumeirah Creekside Hotel, Al Garhoud. P.O. Box 212904 Dubai UAE
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