The District 2452 Rotary Leadership Institute (RLI) team conducted an online session on Sept 21 for over an hour and half attended by over 100 attendees from all the district.
The informative event was led by District RLI Chairperson May Monla Chmaytelly, who shared essential leadership skills with the attendees. During the session, DG Bashar Haddad announced that District 2452 is now officially subscribed to the RLI network. This will support the learning and development of fellow Rotarians.
PP. Yannis Tomasides from Cyprus highlighted the purpose of Rotary and showed an exploration to its organizational structure.
Attendees had the opportunity to gain valuable insights into how this structure can benefit them as Rotarians.
PP . Victoria Cherfan from Lebanon delved into Rotary’s guiding ethical principles and the values shared by the organization. Moreover, how Rotarians will relate those values to themselves in their day-to-day activities, and to their fellow Rotarians and within their clubs.
Participants had the chance to reflect on how these values relate to them and their respective.
Rotary’s strength lies in its members, where PP. Dahouk AbuHamdan from Jordan highlighted the importance of members engagement in their clubs’ activities and beyond on the level of country and district.. In addition, developing members’ leadership skills based on good training and mentoring is crucial and vital for clubs.
Attendees explored various strategies and options to effectively engage members within their clubs.
PP. Nika Manukova from Armenia guided participants on how to identify, plan, organize, and implement service projects within their clubs.
Attendees also learned the importance of developing a business plan for these projects and how to evaluate their success.
Stay tuned for more updates from Rotary Leadership Institute and make sure you’re prepared to lead, engage, and serve in your Rotary.