Nursery Selection Insights Shared at Rotary and Rotaract Club Zahlé-Békaa Event

The Rotary and Rotaract Clubs of Zahlé-Békaa hosted an informative lecture titled “Choosing the Best Nursery.”

The event featured prominent guests: from the Syndicate of Nursery Owners in Lebanonas Dean Ms. Hana Jojo and Mrs. Hala Zakaria, Ms. Zeina Salloum (nursery owner), psychotherapist Ms. Hanan Maalouf, and other Syndicate members.

Distinguished attendees included the Assistant Governor of Rotary District 2452, Dr. Lebanon Abu Madi, along with community figures and educators.

Eng. Samar Saba, the club secretary, initiated the dialogue, highlighting the Rotary Club’s commitment to community service. President Kareen Sabbagh explained the club’s focus on enhancing mental and psychological well-being, particularly among children in nurseries.

Mrs. Zakaria elaborated on the Syndicate’s role in nurturing professionalism through continuous training, while Mrs. Jojo provided insights into nursery laws and emphasized the importance of a conducive environment for children. Psychotherapist Mrs. Hanan Maalouf discussed the impact of early parental separation on a child’s development.

After the lecture, Mrs. Jojo and Mrs. Khouli representing Himaya organization, sponsored by the Rotary Club of Zahlé-Békaa, announced the launch of a training campaign for all nannies in all nurseries in Zahle and all Lebanese regions, respectively.

A Q&A session followed the meeting from those present to those concerned.

The club president, Mrs. Kareen Sabbagh, ended the meeting by thanking all the attendees and guests. On behalf of the club, she presented certificates of appreciation to each of the ladies, Jojo, Salloum, and Maalouf, for their efforts in raising the status of nurseries and protecting the child, which is the most precious trust for their parents.

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